CPAC Hungary 2024: A gathering of global conservative forces
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The Center for Fundamental Rights is poised to host CPAC Hungary for the third consecutive year, solidifying Budapest’s position as a prominent hub for international conservative thought and action. Scheduled for April 25th and 26th, 2024, the conference promises to be the largest of its kind, drawing right-wing luminaries, intellectuals, and activists from across the globe. As in previous years, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is slated to deliver the keynote address.
Contextualizing CPAC Hungary
The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) brand originated in the United States and has expanded its reach in recent years, with events now held in countries like Brazil, Japan, and Hungary. CPAC Hungary stands out as a crucial platform for conservative movements within Europe and beyond. Its stated aims of strengthening right-wing cooperation and challenging dominant socio-political narratives attract both regional and global figures aligned with its agenda.
Themes and ambitions: 2024 and beyond
Miklós Szánthó, director of the Center for Fundamental Rights, emphasizes the critical juncture of 2024. With pivotal elections looming in both Europe and the United States, and heightened global tensions, CPAC Hungary sets out to amplify conservative voices on the international stage. His video message signals grand ambitions of inspiring a global right-wing revolution, encompassing the rejection of ‘woke’ ideology, the transformation of what are seen as bloated bureaucratic institutions, and the goal of shifting the political balance in Brussels and Washington D.C.
Tradition and trajectory: Tracing the event’s rise
The Center for Fundamental Rights has meticulously cultivated CPAC Hungary since its inaugural event in 2022. With slogans like “God, homeland, family” and “Together We Are Strong!”, the conference seeks to consolidate nationalist and socially conservative factions across borders. The consistent format and growing scope solidify CPAC Hungary’s role as a focal point for the international conservative movement.
Critical voices and counter-perspectives
The rise of CPAC Hungary hasn’t escaped controversy. Critics decry the platform it provides to figures espousing views widely considered to be ultra-nationalist, homophobic, and anti-democratic. Concerns persist about the event’s potential to embolden far-right voices seeking to undermine liberal democratic institutions both within Hungary and the broader European Union.
Additionally, counter-protests typically accompany CPAC Hungary. Opponents denounce its embrace of what they view as discriminatory and regressive values, challenging the notion that this brand of conservatism offers solutions to the complex problems facing 21st-century societies.
The Orbán factor
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s role as keynote speaker underscores the intertwined narratives of CPAC Hungary and his brand of illiberal conservatism. CPAC Hungary offers Orbán a global stage to champion his policies and his resistance to both EU directives and mainstream liberal values. Conversely, international participation lends legitimacy to both CPAC Hungary and the policies pursued by the Orbán government.
Looking ahead: Influence and implications
While the long-term impact of conferences like CPAC Hungary is challenging to predict, they provide significant opportunities for networking, strategizing, and boosting morale among the global right. Whether and how the rhetoric and visions discussed at the Budapest event translate into tangible political changes across different national contexts remains an open question. However, with continued growth, it’s undeniable that CPAC Hungary is rapidly emerging as a force shaping the discourse and dynamics of contemporary conservatism.