Special exhibition at the Újbuda Gallery

Levente Tóth (who is a financial expert) exhibits his unique collection of posters, mainly movie and record covers, created by the defining artists of the golden age of Hungarian graphic design in the 1970s and 80s.

The 70s and 80s brought about the golden age of Hungarian graphic design. Even within the strict framework of the socialist system, the artists of the era were able to create a unique and exciting visual language that still influences contemporary artists today. This article presents some of the outstanding graphic artists of the period and their most important works.

Among the most important artists of the period, Sándor Pinczehelyi stands out as one of the most original and versatile graphic artists of the era. His work is characterized by humor, irony, and the use of grotesque elements. His posters, illustrations, and screen prints are all emblematic pieces of the era.

János Fajó is an outstanding representative of geometric abstraction. His work is characterized by clean forms, pure colors, and the use of mathematical systems.


Imre Bak is a defining figure of the Hungarian neo-avant-garde. His work is characterized by the combination of elements of conceptualism, minimalism, and performance.

István Orosz is one of the most significant representatives of Hungarian postmodern graphic design. His posters, book covers, and illustrations are all defining pieces of the era. His style is characterized by a blend of humor, irony, surrealism, and pop art elements.

The diverse work of Wanda Szyksznian, one of the most original and versatile female graphic artists of the era, must also be highlighted. Her posters, record covers, and illustrations are still iconic pieces today. Her style is characterized by intense colors, dynamic lines, and a humorous, sometimes ironic tone. Her talent was already evident in her teens when she created her first poster for the Illés band. As one of the most important record cover designers in the Hungarian pop-rock genre, she created numerous iconic covers for bands such as Omega, Fonográf, and Locomotiv GT.She also designed successful film and commercial posters, in which photo-like representation is paired with a characteristically fluid, painterly solution. She also designed the cover of Nők Lapja magazine, where she presented various aspects of femininity. Wanda Szyksznian’s work is a defining part of Hungarian graphic design in the 70s and 80s. Her creations are still fresh and inspiring today and form an important part of Hungarian visual culture.

Even within the limitations of the socialist system, the Hungarian graphic artists of the 70s and 80s were able to create a unique and lasting visual language. The work of Wanda Szyksznian and other outstanding artists continues to inspire contemporary graphic artists and is an integral part of Hungarian culture.


The exhibition can be viewed until October 19, 2024.

More information: https://www.ujbuda.hu/tags/ujbuda-galeria
