Household or state management?

It is often heard from leaders that housewives know best how to manage money and perhaps it would be appropriate to apply the principles of households to public finances as well. However, the differences between household and public finances are...

Where to, Hungarian economy?

The Hungarian economy’s own resources are being depleted, making it difficult to choose the right direction for economic development.

University foundations lacked success

The transformation of universities into a foundation system has sparked much debate. Significant assets have been successfully removed from direct state control and entrusted to foundations. With the ongoing model change at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME),...

Does good stock market performance affect GDP?

When evaluating economic indicators, it can be seen that stock market performance generally diverges from real economic performance, and the results of money and capital markets mostly do not characterize the actual economic processes. In 2024, the Budapest Stock Exchange...

Rising Hungarian Real Estate Prices Due to Industrial Development: An Expanded Analysis

The Hungarian government’s ambitious industrial development plans, aimed at boosting the electric vehicle industry, will lead to the construction of significant manufacturing capacity in the country in the coming years. While this development is welcome, it can also have unintended consequences, particularly in the real estate markets of rural cities.